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Your Choice Of :1-Time, Monthly, Bi-Monthly OR Quarterly Service

Monthly service will consist of servicing the inside & outside perimeter. In some cases we may use a vacuum,baits,dust,fogging & glue traps. If you are having a German roach problem we ask for you to clean out your kitchen cabinets in order to apply service. All chemicals will be applied in a safe manner according to the label. We offer discounts for military & senior citizens also for referrals. This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

ALERT!  Do You Know Whats Sleeping In Your Bed? It could be Bed bugs call us for a free inspection. We offer a complete treatment at a price you can sleep with. Don't Let' Em Put The Bite On You!! "The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living" Marcus Tulliuis Cicaro
 Services Offered


Monthly, Bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly service is available.As always we offer a no start up fee on most homes.we have a treatment plan for most pest problems you may have.So if its Roaches, Ants, Spiders, Centipedes, Rats & Mice, Fleas & Ticks or other pest we are here to help.If you choose  Bi-monthly, Quarterly or 1-Time service you will receive an outside perimeter treatment each visit.We will also service your attic, basement & crawlspace of your home with our triple barrier protection.


1-Time Service $75.00     *Note Fleas & Flying Insects

Monthly Service $45.00              Extra Fee May Apply!

Bi-Monthly Service $65.00

Quarterly Service $80.00


Fleas & Ticks In The Yard

$135.00 per100gals applied

$75.00 per 50gals applied

Flea Control Inside Your Home

$75.00 up to 2,000.00sq ft.

$5.00extra per 100sq ft, over 2,000sq ft.

Fleas have a 7-14 day life cycle for the pupae to emerge so its not uncommon to see a few more after treatment but however they will soon die also.

We will use a growth regulator to help prevent infestation.

Things you will need to do before the technician arrives at your home.

  1. Vacuum & pick up toys, clothes, shoes, pet food & water bowls from all treating areas.

  2. Wash or change pet bedding & litter box.

  3. If possible treat pet same day as service & secure for 2 to 3 hrs or until all treated areas are dry.

  4. Vacuum 24 hrs after treatment ever other day for 10 days

       pay special attention behind doors, baseboards & where         the pet sleeps also all lighted areas.

Bed Bug Alert!!


Bed bugs have become a major pest problem of homes, motels, hotels & some businesses.If left untreated can become a serious problem.They have become resistant to many pesticides on the market today and can be difficult to rid your home of these nasty blood sucking pest. They are small pear shaped pest that live on or near mattress, sofa, loveseat, recliners or any where you spend time resting and sleeping.They are attracted to the carbon dioxide that our body gives off when we are in a deep sleep. If you are waking up with red irritated skin you could very well have a problem that should only be handled by a professional. Regularly pest control service will not solve your problem. Treating for Bed bugs is a more in depth time & labor process using different chemicals & treating procedures. We do the job right the 1st. time with a price that want kill your wallet only the Bed bugs.So if you want a company to put the Bed bugs to rest for good give us a call you will be glad you did.Prices & before treatment information below. And as always Don't Let' Em Put The Bite On You!!      

Bed Bug Service Preparation Before Service


  1. Take all bed linen off beds & bag them up also bag every thing from night stands and dresser drawers.

  2. Take all bed linens,curtains & cloches you bagged up to a laundry mat. Wash cloches in hot water & dry extra long. Use the sanitize cycle if possible.

  3. Every thing that cant be washed needs to remained bagged and sealed with tape 10 to 12 days.

  4. Try to determine the source of the infestation as not to re infest your home. 

  5.   Vacuum before and after treatment daily  including mattress for 10-12 days. Seal mattress with a protector And tape zipper.  

are flies bugging you? Relocate your  trash bins away from home.We have baits & phermone traps that work great
Rodents! Rats & Mice


Rats & Mice are responsible for millions of dollars in damage to foods and contamination each year by this pest.They also carry diseases and are a health risk too you your family & business.Don't Let' Em put the bite on you! This nasty pest are covered under one of our treatment plans at no additional charge.

Stinging & Flying Insects


Bees,Wasps,Yellow Jackets,Carpenter Bees,Flies & Mosquitoes we control em all. I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font.

Mosquito Service


  1. Mosquitoes are a health risk to you & your family from the diseases they carry and transmit.West Nile And Zika cases are on the rise across the united states. Young children and the elderly are most at risk. our Government and the C.D.C has taken control measures against the Zika virus as it has become a very serious problem with expecting mothers in new born children. Things you can do to reduce your chances of being bitten are as follows. Make sure you use a proper repellent  when outdoors. Mosquitoes are most active an hour or so before sunset. Make sure you have no standing water or harbinger sites.  Standing water breeds this pest pools & bird baths are OK as long as you keep the water clean and changed out. Wear the proper clothing when outdoors. Last but not least Don't Let' Em Put The Bite On You!  Call us today to schedule your mosquito free zone.                        478-747-1195

Wild Life Control Service


  1. Trapping for Squirrels, Raccoons, Possums, Foxes, Snakes, Bats, Skunks, & any other unwanted guest gritters.  We offer exclusion service with every job to seal up all exit & entry points. We get the pest gone & keep them gone from your home. Wild animals carry diseases & some times rabies that should only be handled by a professional. Signs of a rabid animal will be foaming at the mouth and unusual behavior such as aggression and being unafraid of people. Do not attempt to approach this animals call your local animal control asap!  We will relocate all caught animals in a wooded place far away from your home or business. Cold or bad weather will some times bring pest inside too. If it climbs & crawls it can and will be caught by the x terminator!    

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